Nov. 3, 2021
Favourite campus spaces: Fall Class of 2021 grads share the space on campus that they’ll come back and visit

For the fall 2021 cohort of graduates, COVID-19 made the physical campus off-limits for part of their studies. That absence just made their hearts grow fonder for the corners of the campus that are part of their university story.
We asked a few grads what their favourite space on campus is. When they come back to visit in years to come, where will they make sure to stop by?
These are a few of their favourites spaces.
Chantai Minet, MSc’21
“The benches outside the Education Tower, near the bus loop. I would often begin and end my days there. I loved seeing all the students arriving to begin their day of learning and connecting. After the day was done, I would sit and wait for the bus, write or draw, and reflect on that day on campus. I’ve never thought about that space as special until considering this question.”
Chantelle de Jonge, BA’21
“My favourite place on campus by far is the philosophy student lounge on the 12th floor of the Social Sciences Tower. Towering above campus, the open-concept lounge in the centre of the department allows for graduate and undergraduate students and professors to relax and chat together. At times, it was a quiet and peaceful area to read. At other times, it was the stage for passionate philosophical debates. I’ll definitely be stopping by next time I visit campus!”
Ash Kolstad, MSc’21
“The Kinesiology complex. You have the long hallway walk from the Olympic Oval with the trophy case on one side and the windows looking into the Jack Simpson Gymnasium on the other. That leads up to the Kinesiology atrium that houses the big bright-red staircase with the jungle gym-like seating area. Being around this complex just has a nostalgic feeling to it, built with memories from rushing to the anatomy lab in my first year of undergrad, to sitting and joking around in the summer with the kids who were part of the adapted physical activity camp. I look forward to seeing the changes to this complex for years to come.”
Rachel Mclean, MSc’21
“In the basement of Mac Hall, near the aquarium hallway, there's a little nook tucked away between the ramp and the stairs to the main floor. It contains — or did at one point — a pair of very comfortable chairs and has a convenient wall socket nearby. Between classes, whenever it was free, I used to settle into one of the chairs with a tea from Tim Hortons and my laptop to catch up on reading, or work on assignments or just watch stuff on Netflix.”
Matt Walker, MEDes’21
“It all has to do with what is going on. For instance, if there is an event happening at the City Building and Design Lab downtown, I know I will look forward to returning there, and perhaps catching up with faculty members who supported me in this endeavour. If I am around during studio final reviews, I look forward to returning to campus to view the work that is being done by the talented students at SAPL.”
Joel Wong, BSc (Eng)’21 and BSc’21
“The ICT building is my favourite place on campus. Throughout my degree, I spent a lot of time in its study spaces, labs and classrooms. Also, as an electrical engineering and computer science student, many of my professors had offices there.”
Jacob Varghese, BSc’21
“HMRB 421 (in the Heritage Medical Research Building) was a shared office where I spent the majority of my time outside of the lab. It was such a dynamic and vibrant environment, and an honour to sit beside and get to know colleagues from around the world. At one point, the office included veterinarians and students from Japan, Egypt, Colombia, India, Brazil and Paraguay, all sitting together. We would share ideas, perspectives and opinions and it made for immensely rich discussions. I got to know so many people from different backgrounds and we bonded over our time together in the office. It wasn’t quality of the space or the amenities that I reminisce, but rather the quality of the people around me that I miss most.”
Dora Tamas, MMgmt’21
“As my entire MMgmt degree was held virtually, I cannot say that I had the chance to find a favourite physical space on campus. Although, from my time working in Scurfield Hall, I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the sunrise over downtown from the fourth floor.”
Dr. Lisa Gamsjaeger, DVM’21
“I made a lot of great memories in my supervisor Dr. Claire Windeyer's office at Spy Hill campus. I would certainly stop by there first and check out the newest developments on her always-exciting whiteboard and hopefully have coffee with her! Second, I would head over to the clinical skills/large animal handling lab space and say hello to everyone. Particularly the food animal faculty (whose) staff members felt like family to me during my time in Calgary and I will miss them dearly.”
Zainab Fatima, LLM’21
“The Good Earth café in the Taylor Family Digital Library, the Starbucks patio below MacEwan Hall, and the Women's Resource Centre.”
Andrea Loria, MN/NP’21
“I have always loved the library. From my undergraduate days in MacKimmie to my graduate days in the Taylor Family Digital Library. My 'go-to' spot is usually a quiet space in a corner with plenty of sunlight.”
Isabel Fandino, MA’21
“I spent many nights on the first floor of the Taylor Family Digital Library, keeping a toothbrush in my bag for years due to my overnight stays at the library. I took out books, interlibrary loans and owed a ridiculous amount of late fees to the front desk. It's a place I will definitely go back to!”
Vitus Ngaanuma, LLM’21
“The graduate section of the Bennett Jones Law Library where I spent most of my time before COVID-19 set in.”