Oct. 15, 2021

What We Are Learning This Week with Dr. Jennifer Kelly

We’re learning about Australia’s Stolen Generations!
Kelly Banner

October 18, 2021 in INDG 407 Comparative International Indigenous Communities

We’re learning about Australia’s Stolen Generations and about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives on “Reconciliation”


Can you tell us a little more about this topic?

Between 1910 and 1970, between one and three and one in 10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were removed from their families as a result of Australian assimilationist policies. They are now referred to as the Stolen Generations. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are vastly overrepresented in incarceration and comprise the most disadvantaged of Australia’s citizens. Increasing awareness of the impacts of colonization have led to calls for ‘reconciliation’ in Australia, though what ‘reconciliation’ means and how it will be achieved remain contested.

Kelly Headshot

What else do you cover in your course?

As we explore the history of Indigenous/non-Indigenous relationships in what is now called Australia we are able to see similarities with the history of colonization in Canada. We will consider what can be learned from Australia’s approaches to ‘reconciliation’ as Canada engages in its own processes of ‘reconciliation.’

What do you love about teaching this course?

I am constantly learning from each person in this course. Each person brings their own experience and insight and passion for change to the issues we are considering. They are already leaders and will continue to make reconciliation real and meaningful. They inspire me.

Australia map

For more information on the Bringing Them Home initiative, see: https://bth.humanrights.gov.au/our-stories/map

Finally, what other courses would you recommend for students interested this topic?

Courses in International Indigenous Studies, the courses, workshops, talks offered through ii’ taa’poh’to’p (UCalgary’s Indigenous Strategy) and any course in any faculty that sparks their curiosity.


Our Thanks to Dr. Jennifer Kelly for sharing your course with us!