June 7, 2024
V.120 Release Notes
Last night we released V.120 of the UCalgary Web System. Check out the release notes for information on bugs, issues, and enhancements included in the latest release.
What’s Fixed?
Bugs and issues resolved in the latest release.
- Image with text block CTA misalignment.
- Section information import error and help text updates (news).
- Discard changes deprecated function error and removal of revert to defaults function.
- Image with text block sizing requirements affecting mobile cropping definition.
- Persistent whitespace under banner blocks using a gradient background when placed directly before the site pre-footer.
What’s New?
New features, block enhancements, and system updates from the latest release.
- “Job description” filter label updated to “Unit/department” on the /admin/content screen (profiles.ucalgary.ca).
Other items from this sprint
- Profile list block keyword search and pagination investigation.
- Investigation to determine how to address orphaned content.
- Code cleanup (SSO and disabled/unused modules).
- Feature resets – cleanup from V.119 release
In Progress
Work that is currently in progress and will be included in an upcoming release.
- Participate in research module missing content fields (site specific).
- Page filter block missing tagged pages in results.
- Profile group admin permissions re-alignment.
- Page filter block dropdown display issue.
- Sidekick block displaying a distorted image (edge case).
- Spacing issue on sidekick blocks using offset display when adjacent to rounded blocks.
- Image caption alignment issue (news).
- Unable to add/save comments on event RSVPs (LiveWhale).
- Reoccurring events not displaying the correct date of upcoming occurrence (LiveWhale).
- Entities are being attributed to an individual's user account instead of 'anonymous user' (live-ucalgary)
- Profile-user taxonomy not creating a taxonomy for an individual's profile (profiles.ucalgary.ca).
- Tagged pages missing from page filter block results.
- Page filter block php warning.
- Profiles <> People data integration
- Profiles help text update to align with people data integration.
- LiveWhale updates to add a “Times vary” option to event creation forms (LiveWhale).
- Updates to event feeds and landing page for clarity around ongoing events (LiveWhale).
- Adding “Exclude Tags” option to the events feed block.
- Sidekick block offset styling tweaks.
- SSO investigation for LiveWhale.
- Drupal 9 module updates.
- Drupal 10 upgrade items.
- Bulk redirect process investigation.
For more information on the UCalgary Web System, visit web.ucalgary.ca.
If you have questions or need to report a bug or issue, let us know!