March 8, 2019
Undergraduate Econometrics Instruction: Through Our Classes, Darkly
Dr. Angrist's research focuses on Angrist's research interests include the economics of education and school reform; social programs and the labor market; the effects of immigration, labor market regulation and institutions; and econometric methods for program and policy evaluation.
Joshua Angrist is the Ford Professor of Economics at MIT, a director of MIT's School Effectiveness and Inequality Initiative, and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.He received an honorary doctorate from the University of St Gallen (Switzerland) in 2007 and is the author (with Steve Pischke) of Mostly Harmless Economics: An Empiricist's Companion and Mastering 'Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect, both published by Princeton University Press. Angrist and Pischke hope to bring undergraduate econometrics instruction out of the Stones Age.