Six ways to prepare for a virtual career fair

Career fairs are perfect for meeting employers, building your network and finding opportunities specific to students. Whether you’re looking for part-time work during school, full-time work during the summer or after graduation, or co-op/internship opportunities for paid hands-on learning, attending this fair is an excellent way to start your search.
Online career fairs might be something you’re not used to. If you’ve never attended an online career fair, here are some tips to help you make the most of your experience.
1. Set up your profile
After you register, be sure to upload your latest resume and a professional photo of yourself. Employers may be recruiting on the spot, so it’s best to make a good impression wherever possible.
Ready to interview on the spot? Watch Career Services' Career Clip for more tips and tricks for online and phone interviews.
2. Be strategic
Career fairs can already be an overwhelming experience, and a virtual fair makes things a little more complicated. We recommend that you review which employers will be attending and make a list of the ones you’re most interested in. Do a little research into the companies and prepare a few questions to ask employers. Showing up prepared helps you stand out as a potential candidate!
3. Update your LinkedIn profile
At an online career fair, things can happen in an instant. Be sure to get your LinkedIn profile up-to-date so you’re ready to share it as you network with employers.
4. Chat one-on-one with recruiters
Did you know you can direct message an employer you’re interested in? If you have specific questions for a company, this is a great way to get answers, learn about student opportunities and expand your network.
5. Review employer materials
Visit the auditorium hall for promotional videos from employers to learn about their opportunities for students, workplace culture and more
Fill your swag bag: Did you know you can collect brochures and info sheets from employers to export and review later? They’re not pens, but this swag might be more useful for your job search.
6. Get support from career advisors
Not sure where to start? Does networking make you nervous? Head over to the information desk, where advisors from Career Services will be available during the whole fair to answer your questions about networking, setting up an information interview, and other items.