Nov. 1, 2014
OHMES News Archive | 2014
November 2014
The Office of Health and Medical Education Scholarship is pleased to present:
Exploring the dark matter of context
in health professions education
Dr. Joanna Bates
Director, Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES)
University of British Columbia
Monday, December 1, 2014
1405B Health Sciences Centre, 3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary
Context is the elephant in the room in health professional education research: briefly acknowledged, and then put aside as we move to more controlled variables. Yet we use context constructively in medical education whenever we place learners in rural settings, in discipline-based settings, in private offices, or in regional campuses. As we diversify the settings in which trainees learn, the role of context becomes both more evident and more important in medical education. In this session I will explore our current understanding of context in medical education, and suggest possible avenues for us to further our thinking about context in medical education.
November 2014
OHMES invites you to join us for the second presentation in the 2014-2015 CAME Webinar Series on December 2, 2014, from 10:00-11:00am in 7D19 (7th Floor TRW). Please email if you would like to attend.
Title: The Global Consensus for Social Accountability
Presenter: Dr. Bob Woollard
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Time: 10:00-11:00am
Room: 7D19 TRW
November 2014
OHMES invites you to join us for the first presentation in the 2014-2015 CAME Webinar Series on November 18, 2014, from 10:00-11:00am in O1506 (2nd floor HSC). Please email if you would like to attend.
Title: Designing an assessment blueprint for the 21st century
Presenter: Dr. Claire Touchie
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2014
November 2014
University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grants
The University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grants program is designed to provide resources to integrate research evidence in teaching practice, to generate new knowledge about teaching and learning at the University of Calgary, and to support the dissemination of the results of that work to benefit others.
The 2014 grants program funded 25 projects to research teaching and learning questions or to develop and adapt innovative teaching practices.
The 2015 Teaching and Learning Grants program deadline is February 23, 2015..
October 2014
The Office of Health and Medical Education Scholarship and the Medical Education Specialization Committee are pleased to present:
Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Where Are We and So What Anyway?
Dr. Chris Skinner
Visiting Professor
Psychologist & Chair, Personal and Professional Development, School of Medicine
Notre Dame University, West Australia
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
12:00-12:50pm1405B Health Sciences Centre
To attend the seminar from another location via your computer, click on this link:
October 2014
The Office of Health and Medical Education Scholarship and the Medical Education Specialization Committee are pleased to present:
Clinical Debriefing and Reflective Practice:
Can It Fit In A Medical Curriculum?
Dr. Chris Skinner
Visiting Professor
Psychologist & Chair, Personal and Professional Development, School of Medicine
Notre Dame University, West Australia
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
12:00-12:50pm1405B Health Sciences Centre
To view this archived seminar, click on this link:
You will need an Adobe Connect username and password to access this.
October 2014
Medical Council of Canada Research In Clinical Assessment Grant Competition
Deadline: February 1, 2015
Visit for details.
July 2014
The Office of Health and Medical Education Scholarship is pleased to announce the:
Health Science and Medical Education Research and Innovation Funding Competition
Eligibility: Investigators with a Faculty of Medicine appointment. Awards: Up to $10,000 per project, number of awards dependent on quality of applications
Deadline: 15 October 2014
Click here for Call for Proposals
Click here for OHMES Funding Competition - Funding Request and Expense Policies
July 2014
University of Calgary Teaching & Learning Grants Awarded
Congratulations to the following Cumming School of Medicine recipients of the inaugural University of Calgary Teaching & Learning Grants:
Investigator: Fabiola Aparicio-Ting
Project: Assessing the effectiveness of collaborative group work in a first-year health sciences course
Investigators: Irene Ma, Rose Geransar, and Greg Hallihan
Project: Evaluating the usability of augmented reality technology in simulation-based teaching of central venus catheterization
Investigators: Amanda Roze des Ordons, Jason Lord, Paul Boucher, Christopher Doig
Project: Communication skills teaching in critical care medicine: Curriculum development and implementation
Click here for more details on these awards.
July 2014
Call for Poster Abstracts
Innovations in Academic Medicine
Learn Serve Lead 2014: The AAMC Annual Meeting
November 7–11 | Chicago
July 2014
2015 CCME Call for Abstracts and Pre-Conference Events Now Open!
The 2015 Canadian Conference on Medical Education will be held in Vancouver, BC from April 25-28, 2015. Please click to access CCME Submission Guidelines and to submit your abstract.
July 2014
2014 CCME & Ottawa Conference
The 16th Ottawa Conference & 12th Canadian Conference on Medical Education was held April 25-29, 2014 in Ottawa. We are pleased to report that the University of Calgary was well-represented, with participation/leadership in 7 workshops, 25 orals and 21 posters.
Highlighted below are a few of the posters and orals presented at the conference by OHMES members:
Title: Evaluation of an innovative learner-centred assessment program for family medicine residency training
Authors: Maria Palacios, Keith Wycliffe-Jones, Tyrone Donnon, Vishal Bhella
Title: Measuring CanMEDs Roles in Internal Medicine Residents Using Multi-Source Feedback (MSF): The Development and Pilot of an Online Instrument
Authors: Aliya Kassam, Aleem Bharwani
Title: Lessons Learned from the Alberta Physician Learning Program – Using administrative data to guide physician learning
Authors: Lara Cooke, Jocelyn Lockyer, Elaine Chow Baker, Christopher De Gara
Title: Integration of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Education Into Applied Evidence Based Medicine Undergraduate Curriculum: A Student Perspective
Authors: Amanda Schouten, Fiona Clarke, Nishan Sharma, Ward Flemons
The next CCME Conference will be held in Vancouver in April 2015, and the next Ottawa Conference will be in Perth, Australia in March 2016.