Feb. 6, 2017
Leadership Drum Circle
Leadership and drumming might seem out of sync but experience tells a different story. Drumming circles help in team building, organizational and leadership development as well as stress management and studies have shown that drumming communally helps people deal with stress and even trauma. One key reason is that drum circles allow participants to experience moving from acting as an independent individual to acting an individual collaborating with and creating a wider network – which many of us would agree is at the heart of successful teamwork.
The Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business (CCAL) offers all Haskayne students, faculty and staff the opportunity to participate in a leadership drum circle, an eight-session program of weekly drum circle workshops. Using basic rhythms and techniques from West Africa and Afro-Cuban cultures, the Leadership Drum Circle incorporates mindful coaching and active listening with reflective learning to explore different themes of advanced leadership such as authenticity, centeredness, relational awareness and healthy group culture.
David Lertzman, a long time percussionist and Haskayne faculty member, leads the sessions in conjunction with Calgary’s The One World Drum Company. No previous musical experience is required to participate.
"I joined the leadership drum circle with absolutely no musical experience. Not only did I learn some great tunes, I also learned a lot about myself. The circle taught me how to become more centered and listen actively. I met some wonderful people and had a lot of fun!" shared Yewande Alabi, a fourth year BComm student.
Along with team building and other leadership development exercises, drumming circles promote social bonding and emotional intelligence – both of which help develop social resilience and reduce anxiety besides being building blocks for teamwork and leadership. “Drumming circles create rhythms that individuals alone could never achieve,” Lertzman explains. “Authentic leadership and team building goes hand-in-hand with high performance cultures of creativity, communication and trust: and this is where leadership and drum circles meet.”
If you are interested in signing up or have questions about the Leadership Drum Circle, please contact Jeff Millar at Jeffrey.millar@ucalgary.ca. Space is limited, so sign up today!