March 9, 2016
The Journey of Advanced Leadership
Chatter, laughter, introductions and reunions; this all happened, the first night of March at the Sheraton Eau Claire.
The Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business (CCAL) hosted the first annual Community for Advanced Leadership celebration. A high turn-out was the perfect opportunity for sharing among students, business leaders, Haskayne faculty and staff members. Students who participated in CCAL leadership development programs shared their experiences with business leaders and Haskayne faculty as part of a “Showcase.”
"The CCAL event was truly amazing,” says Tracy Do, a third year finance student at the Haskayne School of Business. “The live interview with Hal Kvisle and Mac Van Wielingen was informative. Hal Kvisle is a very hard working man that I had a chance to talk to at the end of the evening along with other students. His career in the petroleum industry had its ups and down but he always saw light at the end of the tunnel. One of the biggest takeaway was his advice: to be leader, you must be able to create a habit to adapt and overcome challenges. Nonetheless, it was a beautiful, joyful, and inspirational celebration of CCAL's initiatives!"
The night began with Jenny Krahn, CCAL Director, welcoming guests and sharing the CCAL Why Statement: "We believe that educating leaders in advanced leadership principles will transform the future of business and its role in society.” Jenny invited two students on stage to share their personal reflections of their development experiences with the Haskayne Guided Path System and the Haskayne Leadership Expedition. Dr. Piers Steel, CCAL Distinguished Research Chair, described the innovative, international award-winning research project called metaBUS. The celebration encouraged participants to reflect on their involvement in leadership development in the past year and to hear highlights of initiatives launched by CCAL since 2012.
This night was especially significant as well-recognized business leaders and CCAL supporters, Mac Van Wielingen and Hal Kvisle, shared their view of leadership. In an engaging conversation moderated by CCAL Fellow Dr. David Dick, they spoke about the progress made by CCAL as well as their experiences as business leaders. With over 200 attendees consisting of students, faculty members and industry leaders – and great insights and reflections – this was a memorable evening!
The night provided great opportunity for connection, reflection, and learning. What a great close to a successful year.
For more updates and news on CCAL, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.
If you have experiences to share about the March 1st celebration, please e-mail Terry Giang at