May 9, 2016
Expanding Haskayne’s Leadership Adventure Education Portfolio
Haskayne Adventure Leadership Education enhances the student experience by offering programs that take students’ leadership development outside the classroom. The Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business (CCAL) at the Haskayne School of Business has received a $3 million gift from Hal Kvisle, MBA’82, Haskayne alumnus and the former CEO of TransCanada Corporation. On May 6, the centre announced the establishment of the Hal Kvisle Leadership Adventure Education Fund to further support adventure education opportunities such as the Haskayne Leadership Expedition and the Haskayne Wilderness Retreat, for students to develop their leadership in the context of the Rocky Mountains, where they can practice leadership, make decisions that involve risk and consequence and work with others. In this context they can also reflect on their role in the bigger picture.
"Many young people do not have the opportunity to immerse themselves in high impact operating situations. Adventure Education provides an important alternative, a very real environment for confronting and resolving complex situations,” says Mr. Kvisle.
Mr. Kvisle’s gift will allow CCAL to expand and broaden its spectrum of leadership education opportunities. Haskayne Adventure Leadership Education initiatives are valuable opportunities for students to step out of their comfort zone and experience leadership lessons in a dynamic environment. This generous gift to the Haskayne School of Business will support transformative Adventure Education opportunities for Haskayne students, including the Leadership Challenge Weekend, Haskayne Leadership Expedition, Haskayne Wilderness Retreat, Leadership Dojo, and Leadership Drum Circle and others. To learn more about Leadership Adventure Education initiatives, visit here.
If you have participated in Haskayne’s Leadership Adventure Education initiatives and have experiences to share, please contact Terry at